We are waking up. Every experience we have is a doorway into this awakening. Every condition is a potential friend that we can meet with breath, tenderness, kindness, and curiosity.
The Tender Edge offers facilitated group workshops and one-on-one guided sessions, to help you find greater wholeness, innocence, aliveness and inner authority.
Ongoing Offerings
Check Here for a list of all upcoming events.
Authentic Relating Training
Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
Awakened Leadership Retreat
Practical tools for awakening and leading from the heart.
From your facilitator, Rick Smith:
“When we assume the best about ourselves and each other – that all of us are leaning into this awakening, that we are on our tender edge, we begin to find our way through the maze of our own experience to find ourselves again and again. We are whole and alive human beings, unwinding from stories and patterns to re-member ourselves anew.”
Rick Smith offers workshops and sessions for individuals and couples to help people wake up and inspire others, by navigating through the often sticky experiences they encounter along the way.